Today I will write about another book that you should read if you don't know what to read. The first one is the Breadwinner. It's about a girl in Afghanistan who has to work for her family so that they have enough food and money. Their whole family lives in this little place, and they are very poor. She has to pretend to be a boy because girls and women aren't allowed to go outside. Thee taliban made these rules. They have to paint their windows black so that you can't see the women inside the houses. Also, if they want to go out on the streets they have to wear a burqua so that they can't be seen. The taliban treat prisoners very brutally. It's just bad.
The second book in that series is called Parvana's Journey. In this book she goes to find her mother and sister because they went to the place in Afghanistan where they thought the taliban wasn't in charge. But just after they left, Parvana finds out that the taliban actually is there and she sets off to find them. At the very beginning her dad dies, so she is left all alone to travel. On her way she finds a baby in an abandoned town, and she names him Hassan. They set off from there and then they are looking for shelter. They find this cave but there is a little boy living there called Asif. They soon run out of supplies so they have to set out again. Parvana, Hassan and Asif are trying to find food. Then they almost get blown up by a minefield. There is a little girl named Leila who lives there. They stay there for awhile too, but then a bomb is dropped on it and they have to leave. Finally, they find a camp to stay at. There are nurses there to care for them. Parvana wonders if her mom is there, and soon she finds her. The last book is called mud city, but I haven't read it yet so I don't know what it's about. I think it will be that the Taliban finally leave, and they can go back home and rebuild their house and city.
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